Thursday, November 11, 2010


"dude. i swear we are from another planet
like we are always affraid of aliens comming to earth and taking over.. and thats what we did yo. we fucked this planet up
i bet when humans were on another plantet our technology was fucked. and there was guna be a 2012 type thing. so we had to get out. and we choose earth. but we had to kill the dinasours first, so we launched a gaint fuckin asteroid down there. than a few select people went to earth. and restarted life. and wrote the bible
and all the people that were stuck on the other planet, might have died, or maybe they didmt. but know one knows, and thats why we want to learn more about space. because if our old planet is OK, than we all want to go back
CHYE. " Mark Goodall

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